Easy-task.ai, an AI productivity-focused tool, is more than just an alternative to Simplified. With an advanced editor, predefined templates and unique tools, it saves time and simplifies your tasks. Revolutionize your workflow today.
96.4 %
86.5 %
With our AI detector, you can identify the probability that a text has been generated by artificial intelligence. In addition, our humanizer transforms these texts into more natural and authentic content.
With our AI-powered text editor, you can create, edit and export content with advanced tools that surpass any standard. Streamline your workflow and achieve professional results with ease.
Our AI Tutor is your perfect ally to answer questions, learn and solve problems in real time. Designed for students, teachers and professionals, this tutor combines intelligence with simplicity so you get the help you need.
With our AI-powered tools, master your social networks by creating impactful, personalized and optimized posts in a matter of seconds.
Do you have any questions?
Simplified is a good tool, but Easy-task.ai takes artificial intelligence solutions one step further. It's not just AI; it's a unique combination of advanced technology and knowledge from recognized experts in different areas. Tools such as the social media content creation tools or the AI Tutor have been designed by specialists, ensuring high-quality, accurate answers tailored to your needs. If you are looking for more than just automatic answers and want results backed by human knowledge, Easy-task.ai is the ideal alternative.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Easy-task.AI offers a more advanced suite, with tools optimized by AI experts for educational tasks, content creation and analysis. In addition, its AI Tutor includes more language models and support for theoretical documents, surpassing the functionality of Simplified.
Easy-task.ai not only simplifies tasks, but takes them to the next level with unique features such as the editor with text detection and humanization, as well as specific tools for teachers and students that Simplified does not include.
Yes, Easy-task.ai's interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, even for beginners. It also includes tutorials and step-by-step guides to help you get the most out of all its features.
Yes, registration is required to use it. In addition, creating an account will allow you to save your work and access additional features such as editing and exporting.